Entry 01: Greetings!

  As the picture says, hello to everybody and welcome to my blog. Well, I am gonna keep it short and simple as for the introduction. First and foremost, I am just going to introduce myself, so, the name is Azri Lutfi or known as Jerry most of the time, but for this particular blog, you will just read the author's name as my real name, Azri. So the reason why I write a blog, this blog, in particular, is because it is a request as well as a class project for this course I am taking at the moment. 

  As you will see later on, I will be writing on some stuff alike to a journal, which I will be recording all the stuff that I learn in the class later on and put it up in here as well as do some review on what had been taught. All the content that I will be learning in the class later on will be written in here.

  I am just going to sum up what I had been told on the first class for the semester which was on 29th of January where I had been given some introduction for introduction to the course, what I would be doing throughout the semester and what I should write up in here. So yeah, that is all as far as I am concern, or pretty sure, I am just summing them up.

  Well, that is all for now, until next time.



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