ENTRY 04: I Need to Look For Something

 Did I tell you that it is gonna be a double-post post today? I think I did. To continue, a few weeks back then, I had learnt in my class on the topic search engines.

 I think everyone should be familiar with search engines, right? I mean, you, me, and almost everyone of us in the world who uses gadget and Internet, used search engines.

 Does these look familiar to you? I reckon they do.

 Most people know what they are, but not many knows what they actually do. Search engines is a web site that collects and organizes content from all over the Internet. Using these Search Engines needed skills in order to get the exact information that you wanted.

 Not only that, I also learnt about the Dark Web. A thorough reading of what is Dark Web can be referred to the link provided but in general, Dark Web is the World Wide Web content, overlay networks that use Internet, requiring specific software, configurations or authorization to even access it, far from using.

Well, that's all for now. Until next time :D




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