ENTRY 03: I Need to Make a Call

 Hey, sorry if I have not been updating for a while. I always seem to forgot to post whatever I wrote and instead, save them up as a draft, so it is gonna be a double-post today. 

 Last time, I learnt about 'CALL' in the class. As I was definitely not paying attention to the lecture, I thought, what about it. Are we going to learn about how to call someone now? But of course it is not that.

 CALL is an abbreviation that comes from Computer-Assisted-Language-Learning which is actually have already been used all over the world, in which, CALL is actually a learning process through the medium of computer. For example, those who can still remember their high school experience must know about this:

 It is used to help schools to have an efficient teaching and learning process. My lecturer also showed up some examples of other CALL that is being used, like games that used tools for language learning. 

Well, that's all for now. Until next time :D




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